08 June 2008

Day 34 part 2

I wrote up two different blog posts in a time period where I had limited internet access. I did other things that I needed to do online as my computer battery died. So here is part 2. It was actually written on June 4.

Aaron and I have recently returned from a trip to Amelia Island, Florida. I have family in South Georgia, and my cousin ( a year younger than me), was getting married to his High School Sweetheart (awwww). They're both good kids, so I with them the best. While down there, I managed to work on my list. Some worked and some were complete failures.

26 - Sliders, Amelia Island Florida - Try 10 New Restaurants (6/10)
Sliders was across the street from our hotel. Saturday night, after burning ourselves at the beach, we cleaned up and went. We were seated outside, at a cement table with an umbrella, underneath the palms, and looking over the beach that we had been at all day.
Because we love being adventurous... to a point (which is very far)... and I have a thing for local foods, we ordered a bucket of steamed oysters. We also ordered fried pickles... yum! So out comes an aluminum Bud Light bucket (you've seen them at bars) filled with 3 to 4 dozen steamed oysters and two shucking knives. Thankfully the knives weren't sharp. So dinner lasted probibly an hour and a half or even two hours... by the time we ordered and everything and then finished our beers. The food was good!

27 - Try 20 new wines
Helena Blush
Stonehaus Winery, Crossville, TN

When we went down to GA Friday night, I had intended on dinner just being 6 or 8 of us, so I brought 2 bottles of wine. Then I found out that my Uncle and Aunt were flying in a day earlier than I originally heard. Then my uncle hosting dinner decided to borrow his friend's big BBQ (the big black cylindrical smoker bbq) and get more meat, so soon half of the neighborhood was invited. And I still only had 2 bottles of wine. No worries, not everyone drank, and some brought their own beer. But I managed to try some of the Blush wine that I brought.
The Helena Blush was a very medium bodied, semi-sweet blush. I don't normally drink blush, but its flavor and its pretty pink color were very plesent. It was not over powering. It had some fruity and floral notes, but nothing too complex.

60: Document a trip with photographs.
I had my camera, extra batteries, a capacity on my new card of over 1000 photos. I took maybe 15. A few of us in the car on the way to FL, and a few at the wedding.
I'll have chances to try again. I didn't want to bring the camera to the beach, or tote it to dinner, or anything like that. I've never been a big camera person, I would rather just go and *DO*.

74 - Organize Purses, Shoes, and Luggage
Before our trip, I went through all of my purses, shoes, luggage, and all that. I'm sending about 10 old purses to Goodwill

89 - Buy a new pair of jeans I didn't document that a few weeks ago, Aaron and I went to see Indiana Jones at the mall, and after the movie we went shopping some. I found my good pair of jeans, and they still have the tag on them, being saved for the new school year.

92a - Get rid of 101 objects through donation/sale/giving 10 purses to Goodwill

Day 34 part 1

I wrote up two different blog posts in a time period where I had limited internet access. I did other things that I needed to do online as my computer battery died. So here is part 1. It was actually written on May 27.

26 -
Try 10 New Restaurants (3/10)
Agave Azule - Friday night came, and I had told Aaron I would make dinner, but I was unable to get to shopping for componants. Our choice then was pasta and sauce or canned soup. As it was a very very warm night, where neither of us felt like dealing with an unairconditioned kitchen and boiling water or soup, we opted to instead go out. Aaron was feeling like Mexican, but neither of us wanted Sr. Taco, our normal spot for that... the heat had us somewhat finicky... and we didn't want to drive to far. Aaron also wanted to try someplace new, as I have this list running. I commented that we eat out often enough (about 1 time a week) that we'll find those ten before the 1001 days are over. But I was curious about Agave Azule, on the eastern edge of "out west", the "far away" part of the city. My neighbor had gone once, it bills itself as a Tequila bar, but it functioned more as a hangout for college kids wanting cheap, good margaritas and draught beer. Campus had been emptied weeks ago, so now would be a good time to check it out without dealing with the self important rapscallions that normally pass as undergrads.
We got there and sat outside, on the patio. The parking lot wasn't senic, but the air and the breeze were good and comfortable. We each got a Jumbo margarita (20 oz), Aaron ordered fajitas and I ordered pork in a salsa verde... I don't remember its exact name. It also came with tortillas to wrap the pieces in. Both came with a serving of rice and beans. The beans I found to be bland (which might mean they weren't made with lard... ), and the rice was ok, but the main dish itself was most awesome. Mine was just spicy enough, and Aaron's was very flavorful. The Margaritas were pretty good. These were the type that included orange juice, I normally like the "plain" type, but these were deliciously refreshing with the meal. We ate and then hung out as we finished our margarita. All in all, it went very well.

Restaurant (4/10)
Aaron and I had just finished getting my desk and running it back home. Our next plans for the afternoon were to hit the mall to see Indiana Jones and to look for a few things. I wanted to get a pair of jeans, and he needed a flask and a messanger bag. We were heading to the mall and suddenly realized that with all the looking around, and heavy manuevering, and all, we were hungry. After a debate of "what do you want to eat, no what do you want" we had tentatively decided on Salsarita's... mexican again. As we pulled off the exit, I noticed the shopping center that has the Asian market I prefer, and I remembered that everytime I go I am curious about the Korean restaurant there. So "Would you like Korean?" "Dunno, never had it. " "Neither have I, but there's one in that shopping center." "Ok" And we go.
We were waited on by an awesomely enthusiastic woman in her 30s. There were a few quiestions about stuff on the menu (we steered away from the Beef Entrail Cassarole, no questions on that) and she was really great about it. Each dish came with "todays sides" and we decided just to see what those were when they came. There were 6 sides, each in their own bowl. Bean sprouts, spicy cucumber salad, kimchee, marinated eggplant, wasabi radish salad and... something else. Aaron ordered a pork dish, similar to twice cooked pork, at Medium spicy. I ordered a sweet potato noodle and vegetable stew. They were both very very good.

Restaurant 5/10
Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches
I went to the vegetable market, but I still hadn't gone grocery shopping. We had salads for lunch and the night was very warm, so we felt like sandwiches. I had noticed that a sandwich shop near campus had decent prices, so we ran over there (4 minute drive) and grabbed some to bring home. I had a tuna sandwich with all sorts of vegetables, I always liked tuna... And Aaron had one filled with roast beef and salami and all that stuff. When we got there, we realized that they delivered. I wonder if there is a minimum order... but no worries. We'll probibly order from them again. I never get lunch meat, and oddly enough I rarely have bread.

36 - Sunday Aaron and I rode our bikes to Market Square. It was just as much to just take them out as it was to go to Market Square to hang out and people watch without dealing with driving through downtown.

48 -
Clive Barker - Fun Book Review (9/30)
Imajica was an epic story of multiple worlds that weave together, different types of huminoids, and magical creations. I honestly don't know how to summarize it. But it was really good.

72 - The office was fully emptied. I then moved my old desk to the opposite wall and the book case across the room. The old desk worked ok with my desktop computer, a little cramped but do-able. It is totally incompatable with my laptop, particularly if I need another book or notebook out. That is why it was religated to a stereo stand. It will now function as the stereo stand and as a set of shelving. Over the weekend, Aaron and I went out in search of another desk. I wanted something BIG and SIMPLE. I never liked drawers too much, I would rather pile books and notebooks underneath the dresser so I could grab them. I never needed much in the way of office accessories, just a few pens and maybe some post-it notes. My new one is about 70" x 30"... I found it at Big Lots for $65. Much less than I had planned to spend, as similar desks at Ikea (where I thought I would need to go) were atleast three times that.
I now have room to set up my scanner and my printer. Yay! I would still like to get another bookcase... I have two whole boxes of books still plus a bunch in my office on campus. That won't be hard.
Also, I went through all my old papers... I ended up shredding 4 garbage bags of old pay stubs, bank statements, and Important Papers. So there's less stuff to find places for. Now I'm going through my boxes of accumulated "stuff" and getting rid of a good part of that.