08 June 2008

Day 34 part 2

I wrote up two different blog posts in a time period where I had limited internet access. I did other things that I needed to do online as my computer battery died. So here is part 2. It was actually written on June 4.

Aaron and I have recently returned from a trip to Amelia Island, Florida. I have family in South Georgia, and my cousin ( a year younger than me), was getting married to his High School Sweetheart (awwww). They're both good kids, so I with them the best. While down there, I managed to work on my list. Some worked and some were complete failures.

26 - Sliders, Amelia Island Florida - Try 10 New Restaurants (6/10)
Sliders was across the street from our hotel. Saturday night, after burning ourselves at the beach, we cleaned up and went. We were seated outside, at a cement table with an umbrella, underneath the palms, and looking over the beach that we had been at all day.
Because we love being adventurous... to a point (which is very far)... and I have a thing for local foods, we ordered a bucket of steamed oysters. We also ordered fried pickles... yum! So out comes an aluminum Bud Light bucket (you've seen them at bars) filled with 3 to 4 dozen steamed oysters and two shucking knives. Thankfully the knives weren't sharp. So dinner lasted probibly an hour and a half or even two hours... by the time we ordered and everything and then finished our beers. The food was good!

27 - Try 20 new wines
Helena Blush
Stonehaus Winery, Crossville, TN

When we went down to GA Friday night, I had intended on dinner just being 6 or 8 of us, so I brought 2 bottles of wine. Then I found out that my Uncle and Aunt were flying in a day earlier than I originally heard. Then my uncle hosting dinner decided to borrow his friend's big BBQ (the big black cylindrical smoker bbq) and get more meat, so soon half of the neighborhood was invited. And I still only had 2 bottles of wine. No worries, not everyone drank, and some brought their own beer. But I managed to try some of the Blush wine that I brought.
The Helena Blush was a very medium bodied, semi-sweet blush. I don't normally drink blush, but its flavor and its pretty pink color were very plesent. It was not over powering. It had some fruity and floral notes, but nothing too complex.

60: Document a trip with photographs.
I had my camera, extra batteries, a capacity on my new card of over 1000 photos. I took maybe 15. A few of us in the car on the way to FL, and a few at the wedding.
I'll have chances to try again. I didn't want to bring the camera to the beach, or tote it to dinner, or anything like that. I've never been a big camera person, I would rather just go and *DO*.

74 - Organize Purses, Shoes, and Luggage
Before our trip, I went through all of my purses, shoes, luggage, and all that. I'm sending about 10 old purses to Goodwill

89 - Buy a new pair of jeans I didn't document that a few weeks ago, Aaron and I went to see Indiana Jones at the mall, and after the movie we went shopping some. I found my good pair of jeans, and they still have the tag on them, being saved for the new school year.

92a - Get rid of 101 objects through donation/sale/giving 10 purses to Goodwill


gexx said...

to self... don't forget TaiCo

Latharia said...

You've got an amazing list ... and you're kicking butt with your progress! Way to go! :D